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  • The party attempt to interrogate the mintarn who surrendered, to little avail. The soldiers do nothing but repeat their names, ranks, and serial numbers
  • Kleb manages to intimidate the rookie enough to get him talking a bit (he confirms that TK gave the orders and sent them to the manor), but the other mercenaries pressure him to shut up.
  • Rowan prepares to run one of them through with his rapier, but hears a voice and feels the presence of Tymora, imploring her champion to restrain himself
  • At the sensation of her influence, the paladin holds his strike, and is rewarded with a bit of the divine link that he had missed. He isn’t sure how, but he is certain that he can cast Zone of Truth temporarily, and does so
  • Kleb takes two of the mintarn inside to the empty jail cell, then heads back toward the Stonehill Inn to retrieve the other half of TK’s body, leaving Rulkorf and Rowan to interrogate the other pair of mintarn
  • The rookie explains that the mercs are escorting the diplomatic envoys (Lozenge Azure) for Lord Neverember, and that TK gave the specific order to leave town and then head to Tresendar Manor. However, he doesn’t seem to know anything else of importance, and the other mintarn refuses to speak
  • Kleb returns with the other half of TK. Feeling they need to resort to more serious measures, Kleb asks the Nothic to come outside and deal with the quiet one. He is happy to oblige and peers into the soldier’s mind, revealing that only a few of the mercenaries knew their full mission at the manor, of whom this guy and the dragonborn are the only ones left
  • TK told them to storm the manor, take no prisoners, and take the prisoner from the party’s jail. It is unclear how they knew about that bugbear
  • The Lozenge Azure were not expecting the goblin attack (or the Nothic’s harassment).
  • After confirming that the rookie, named Ben, will go home and quit mercenary work rather than return to Neverwinter, the party keep their promise to the other mintarn and let the boy leave
  • The group take the dragonborn and the other mintarn down to the jail cell, and let the Nothic take care of the bodies
  • Rowan feels a flicker of Tymora’s presence return to him as the party settles in for a short rest. Kleb attunes to the Bahamut breastplate he’s been carrying, learning that it provides resistance to breath weapons.
  • Kleb heads back into town to visit the blacksmith about his armor, Rulkorf heads out for a walk and inspects the rings he took from the mages, and Rowan heads to his quarters to rest and reflect
  • Rowan is troubled by the internal conflict he’s experienced recently, as well as his ongoing struggles with connecting to Tymora. He once again hears the voice of the unknown entity from his dream, telling him not to feel guilty for his prior actions
  • Kleb is quoted a hefty price to repair TK’s armor that had been split in twain, so he opts to instead sell it as scrap. When he returns, he gives each of his companions a share (5 gold pieces).
  • Rulkorf tries to clear his mind as he fiddles with one of the rings. Putting is on has no effect. Putting on a second causes an echo and shrill feedback in his mind before he rips it off. It appears that he now owns 4 rings of telepathy!